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Katlyne Danko Named New Editor at Ampry Publishing May 06 , 2024

Ampry Publishing is proud to announce Katlyne Danko as the new editor of Wildfowl Carving Magazine and Rug Hooking magazine. Danko officially as


Beloved Folk Artist Magdalena Briner Eby Honored February 14 , 2022

Perry County, PA— Rug hookers everywhere recognize the name Magdalena Briner Eby and love her primitive style rugs. Born in 1832, she lived he


Mark Allison Named New Editor of Wildfowl Carving Magazine January 10 , 2022

Northbrook, IL—Ampry Publishing, LLC – Wildfowl Carving Magazine announced its new editor, Mark Allison, in January 2022.  In


Ampry Publishing LLC Events

Ampry Publishing LLC is proud of its relaxed and friendly work environment. The employees love to show off their flair for creativity with various themed dress-up days. Check out some of our most recent events to see why you should join the team at Ampry Publishing LLC.

To check out pictures from recent trade shows we’ve attended, click here!

To check out recent charity events we’ve participated in, click here!

(Click images below for larger versions.)

February 2016 – Ampry Publishing Supports 20th Century Fox and Eddie the Eagle</> Movie Premiere

20th Century Fox and Ampry Publishing, LLC hosted an early screening of Eddie The Eagle, a film starring Hugh Jackman and Taron Egerton. Based on the true story of Michael “Eddie” Edwards, the film follows the British ski-jumper as he competes at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. Eddie came from a family who supported his dreams through knitting, and we were excited to show our support, too! Check us out:

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January 2016 – Ampry Publishing Editors Show Their School Spirit

Prime is a melting pot of alumni from colleges near and far. Many of our employees are Illinois residents who have gone to our state’s colleges; however, some people have travelled many miles to gain their educations and to make our staff that much more interesting. Every once in a while, we like to promote some school spirit and pay homage to our alma maters. Employees dig their beloved school hoodies, t-shirts, and spirit wear out of their closets to wear for a day. We even have fun teaming up by school when possible! Through employee referrals and intern programs, our community grows with those who have known each other throughout the years.

We love having a diverse staff, combining minds and talents from all over!

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December 2015 – Ampry Publishing Gets Into the Holiday Spirit

Members of the Prime staff really enjoy their ugly Christmas sweaters, and the annual holiday party is always a good time! Folks even get into the spirit by decorating their cubicles. It truly is the festive season, with members of our staff celebrating Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza, Winter Solstice, Feast Days, and more.

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October 2015 – Ampry Publishing Celebrates Halloween in Style

The staff here at Prime goes all out for Halloween!

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December 2014 — Ampry Publishing Pajama Party

There’s room for a little relaxation after a busy 2014 for the employees at Ampry Publishing, LLC!

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August 2014 — Ampry Publishing Bowling Outing

Who doesn’t like to have a little fun?! The employees at Ampry Publishing, LLC went on a bowling outing in August 2014 to get to know everyone in the company a little bit better.

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December 2013 – Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Christmas Sweater 2013  Christmas Sweater 2013


October 2013 — Halloween

Halloween Group Shot 2013  Halloween Group Shot 2  Editor Jenny, Winning Costume  Editor Jenny, Winning Costume  Editor Jenny, Winning Costume, Back