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Katlyne Danko Named New Editor at Ampry Publishing May 06 , 2024

Ampry Publishing is proud to announce Katlyne Danko as the new editor of Wildfowl Carving Magazine and Rug Hooking magazine. Danko officially as


Beloved Folk Artist Magdalena Briner Eby Honored February 14 , 2022

Perry County, PA— Rug hookers everywhere recognize the name Magdalena Briner Eby and love her primitive style rugs. Born in 1832, she lived he


Mark Allison Named New Editor of Wildfowl Carving Magazine January 10 , 2022

Northbrook, IL—Ampry Publishing, LLC – Wildfowl Carving Magazine announced its new editor, Mark Allison, in January 2022.  In


Rug Hooking Magazine Launches Celebration Hall of Fame

September 01 , 2018

Northbrook, IL—To celebrate Rug Hooking magazine’s 30th anniversary, the publication wanted to recognize the long history of its cornerstone book series: Celebration. Celebration is currently in its 28th year of publication and showcases the best hooked rugs of the year from artists around the world. A panel of four judges blindly evaluate the entries that come in and select the best ones to be featured in the publication.

The Celebration Hall of Fame recognizes the artists who were featured in five or more editions of Celebration. Qualified rug hookers were contacted to ask if they wanted to participate and were asked to fill out a survey and send in some thoughts about each of their featured rugs. Rug Hooking magazine then created an online profile for each rug hooker along with a gallery of each of their featured works, some dating back to the 1980s.

Hall of Fame inductees were featured in an exhibit at Sauder Village’s annual Rug Hooking Week held in August 2018. Those rug hookers who could attend were honored in a ceremony on opening night and awarded a commemorative mug and certificate.

New members of the Hall of Fame will be added each year as rug hookers become qualified.

Celebration Hall of Fame Inductees at Sauder Village

Some of the Celebration Hall of Fame honorees at Rug Hooking Week. From left to right: Cindy Irwin, Fritz Mitnick, Liz Marino, Lyle Drier, Trish Johnson, Donna Hrkman, April DeConick, Marion Sachs, and Peggy Hannum.